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Add Your Business, Organization, Association
or Your Individual Professional Profile
To The Myrtle Beach South Carolina Network!


View All Companies & Professional Individuals
That Have Been Added With Us So Far!

Those Located In Myrtle Beach and The Entire Grand Strand Area!
Little River, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Garden City, Murrells Inlet
Pawleys Island, Georgetown, Aynor, Conway, Longs, and Loris

No Monthly Charges! --- No Yearly Renewals! --- Just A One-Time Payment!

Hey there! Thank you so very much for taking a few moments of your time to check out how to add your listing to our Myrtle Beach South Carolina network! If by chance you are curious, yes we live on the grand strand - in Conway as a matter of fact! It would be our pleasure and honor to help you or your business! ~ Joey and Laura

Also, you might want to take a look at our "Platinum" Plan where we wrap all of our services and websites, social media, photography, up in one package! It's the best for the best! 843Marketing.com/Platinum - now including news, jobs, events distribution, business consultation, and free advertising on all 65+ of my grand strand area websites covering 1,000's of pages of content!

  • 1. A Lifetime Full-Page Profile (See Example)

  • 2. A Lifetime Listing (with a link to your profile) In A Category (Or Multiple Categories) That Is Related To Your Business In Our South Carolina Directory on BusinessAtTheBeach.com - Newly Added Listings Get Added To The Top Of The List In The Category(s)!

  • 3. A Lifetime Listing (with a link to your profile) On Our Company Profiles Page on BusinessAtTheBeach.com - Newly Added Listings Get Added To The Top Of The List!

  • 4. The "Liking/Following" Of Your Social Media Page From Many Of Our Social Media Pages --And-- Our Editor, Joey O'Connor (almost at the 5,000 friends maximum on FB @JoeyOConnor), will Like/Follow Your Page Too!

  • 5. A Post/Share On Many Of Our Social Media Pages That Your Listing Has Been Added With Us! (with a link to your profile) 1,000s reached in just the first 24/48 hours! * see more below

  • 6. A Free Lifetime Listing (with a link to your profile) On Any Of Our Additional Network 'At The Beach' Websites That Are Related To Your Business/Listing!

    • ALL - will also be added/listed to BusinessesAtTheBeach.com - showing all of the listings that have been added as well as being able to search by Category in the Directory!

    • REAL ESTATE FIRMS AND AGENTS - will also be added/listed to ForSaleAtTheBeach.com

    • SERVICE TYPE BUSINESSES / PROFESSIONAL INDIVIDUALS - will also be added/listed to ServicesAtTheBeach.com - including plumbers, cleaning crews, electricians, roofers, health care professionals, attorneys, insurance agents, caterers, photographers, wedding ministers, florists, real estate agents, etc!

    • ATTRACTIONS - will also be added/listed to AttractionsAtTheBeach.com - including malls, places to eat, places to drink, parks, museums, theatres, tours, events, golf courses, any and all places to see and things to do!

    • ACCOMMODATIONS - will also be added/listed to AccommodationsAtTheBeach.com - including motels, hotels, resorts, campgrounds, bed & breakfasts any and all places to stay!

    • MUSIC VENUES / CLUBS / BARS - Those that feature LIVE MUSIC will also be added/listed to the brand new MusicAtTheBeach.com and possibly to BarsAtTheBeach.com and MyrtleBeachBars.com

    • BANDS / GROUPS / MUSICIANS - will also be added/listed to the brand new MusicAtTheBeach.com

    • ICE CREAM - It's one of the most popular treats while at the beach! Related establishments will also be added/listed to IceCreamAtTheBeach.com

    • BARS / HAPPY HOUR - will also be added/listed to BarsAtTheBeach.com and MyrtleBeachBars.com and, if host live music, then also on MusicAtTheBeach.com

    • GOLF & GOLF COURSES - will also be added/listed to PlayGolfAtTheBeach.com and GolfCoursesAtTheBeach.com- including full courses, shops, stores, mini golf, and more!

    • ALL LISTINGS - will have potential bonus promotion and extra marketing to their profile/listing as we have many links to most of our 'at the beach' network websites on our sites ThingsToDoAtTheBeach.com and EventsAtTheBeach.com where we are adding new things to do and events to attend all the time!

    • NEW! --- ALL LISTINGS - will have potential bonus promotion and extra marketing to their profile/listing on our new network partner website MyrtleBeachSouthCarolina.net!

    • BRAND NEW - Now thru December 31st 2024 : all listings that are added (or that have already been added) here with us thru our website will automatically be added (free of charge) to our new awards program "The Best At The Beach"! There is nothing extra you will need to do except add your business/listing here - all listings will automatically be included to the awards program.

View All Companies & Professional Individuals
That Have Been Added With Us So Far!

No Monthly Charges! --- No Yearly Renewals! --- Just A One-Time Payment!

Format And Looks Your "lifetime" full-page company profile will include information on your company, physical address, website link, map, weather conditions, your facebook feed, your twitter feed (or general feed with search about your company), your promo video / commercial video, and lots more! SEE AN EXAMPLE of a company profile.

WHAT WE REQUIRE FROM YOU Your company MUST HAVE a Facebook Business Page (a true business/fan page not a personal account acting as a business page) to be able to be added with us and/or have a company profile with us..... We also suggest, but not required, that you have a Website and a Twitter account as well as a promotional video on your company that has already been uploaded to your facebook business page and/or YouTube OR that you locate a video on YouTube on your company from a fan, media outlet, etc. If you need help with any of the above our editor, Joey O'Connor, can help you! You will find his contact email address at the bottom of this page.

* Check This Out! --- FREE BONUS SOCIAL MEDIA COVERAGE! We will also give you extra targeted exposure by "sharing" the news of your new company profile on ALL of our related social media accounts!! LinkedIn... Twitter... Google+... Facebook.... Over 25,000 Combined Followers!... And, our editor, Joey O'Connor - who has almost the 5,000 friends limit on Facebook also shares it on his personal page too @JoeyOConnor! And, many of our independent sales reps share it to on their pages!.... Most of our previous shares about new profiles or page sponsorships have been reached out to hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands in just the first 48 hours alone! This should bring some pretty good instant attention of your profile/company! .... here's a helpful hint - when you see your post on our social media, please make sure you Like, Comment, and Share it on your personal page and your business page! That way, even more people will then see it and they will hopefully share it too! VIEW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS

Ready to add your Company to The Myrtle Beach South Carolina network - on BusinessAtTheBeach.com and on any/all of our 'at the beach' websites related to your company? Please make sure your company Facebook business page is up-to-date and then just complete the short simple form below! (We will use information from your FB page to set-up your new profile with us.) Then, you will submit your one-time payment and you will be all set! It's that simple! We handle all of the rest and get you all set-up and added in 2-3 business days! Thank you!

Enter Facebook Page URL/Link
Then Click The 'BuyNow' Button Below

(Example https://www.Facebook.com/BusinessPageName)

Reg $245.00
Now Just $195.00

A One-Time Lifetime Payment
No Monthly Charges / No Yearly Renewals

-- or --
starting at just $395
be added to even more websites!
and get free services & discounts too!


For the ultimate in your security we will never see your credit card numbers or account information!
Your payment will be made directly to our owner and editor, Joey O'Connor.

To pay for your listing, you will have the option of logging into a current PayPal account -or- just paying with a credit card or debit card without logging into PayPal. If you would just like to pay using your credit card or debit card without logging into a PayPal account, there is a special link to do so underneath the PayPal log-in area on the next page.

All submissions will be reviewed for context and accuracy before indexing. We reserve the right to refuse any listing for indexing and can remove any current listing for bad, abused, non-working or corrupted links and has no obligation to notify the person or the company that submitted the listing. There will be no guarantees of contacts from your listing and there will be no refunds once a submission has been paid for and/or indexed. Submissions will be indexed after payment has been received. By clicking on the 'Buy Now' button you agree that you are authorized to submit the listing, that the listing is correct, that you are authorized to pay for the listing, and understand the above. Once your submission and payment has been received and approved, your listing will be indexed within 3 business days. Please Note: Business/Company must be located in The Coastal Region Of South Carolina - The Grand Strand or Low County Areas.

Copyright © MyrtleBeachSouthCarolina.net
its owner, partners & licensors. All Rights Reserved.

To Our Network!

Myrtle Beach is a City Located On

The South Carolina Coast - Over 180 Miles Of Beautiful Beaches,
Majestic Marshes, Historic Homes, and Idyllic Islands

843Marketing.com - will open new window THIS WEBSITE IS A Joey OConnor Enterprises DEVELOPMENT
Owner Of 90+ Websites and 180+ Social Media Channels

Website by 843Marketing.com - will open new window
This Site's Plan: 1 Page $120/year